Sunday, 17 July 2016

Sunday July 17, 2016

The day is here! My second triathlon. The day started off great. Made sure to get solid sleep the past two days, and been tuning in my nutrition. Although I will be running this triathlon fasted, as my IF eating window starts at 1 but the run starts at 1:15. Oh well!

It was a great day for the race and I shaved my old time by about 3 minutes! I just felt better prepared and well oiled for this triathlon.

Swim - 375 m, 8:47.9, 2:20/100m

The swim was choppy and crowded. I ended up swimming majority front crawl to maneovour around people. It felt great passing people in the water with them doing front crawl and I was doing a relaxful breaststroke. I swam faster than the last time and left the water second in my age group.

Transition 1, 1:55

I took my time onto the bike. Trying to catch my breath at the same time as drying my feet. I forgot to lay my socks out so I had to do it bare foot. It felt great though and will probably do it this way again. The wet suit came off flawless.

Bike - 10km, 21:52.7, 27.42 km/hr

The bike was an out and back flat trip. Nothing too spectacular. Ended the bike in second as well. A little windy in your face going out, but picked it up coming back in. Mount and dismount was flawless.

Transition 2, 1:18

Was an easy transition, threw my shoes and cowboy hat on and hit the run hard.

Run - 2.5 km, 14:53.1, 5:57/km

The run really slowed down my time. Was a lot faster than Milton but still had two people in my age group pass me. I kept up with one, hen passed him. But within the last 300m he put the after burners on and took past me. I didn't have the energy. It's after the race I realized if I kept in front (by 13 secs) of him I would've placed 3rd! Again narrowly missing podium.

I would do the Subaru Series again. And plan to look into the Guelph 2 race. Depending on how it fits in with my half marathon training.


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